苦路美國明愛會(CRS) 提供
苦路第一處 耶穌被定死罪
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。
在這世界上有多少我們的兄弟姊妹,被逼生活在飢餓與艱苦中。由於我們是一家人,我們必須團結互助。我們對彼此有責任。我們身旁的人怎樣了?地球另一端的人又怎樣了?責任指的是什麼?想到責任,我們又怎能沉默? |
1. Jesus is condemned to death We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
how many of our brothers and sisters around the world are condemned two lives of poverty hunger and hardship as one global family we are called to live in solidarity we are responsible for one another for what happens to our neighbors next door and our neighbors overseas with this responsibility in mind how can we be silent.
苦路第二處 耶穌背十字架
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。
當我們與背負著最沉重十字架的窮苦人合作,為他們服務時,也許我們會為所發現的情況感到驚訝不已。如果我們用心在窮人當中尋找耶穌的面容,也許會發現自己有了一些新的不一樣的想法:什麼是貧窮、什麼是富有?背起自己的十字架、跟隨耶穌又是什麼意思? |
2 Jesus carries the cross We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
As We work with and for the poor , for those whose crosses of the heaviest. Perhaps you will be surprised by what we find . perhaps if we truly seek the face of Christ among those who are poor We would discover something new about ourselves about what it means to be rich and poor about what it means to pick up our crosses and follow in a way of Christ.
苦路第三處 耶穌第一次跌倒
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。
在人類大家庭裡,跌倒常以不同的樣貌展現。農夫沒有收成、風暴摧毀家園,暴力破壞社區。我們知道在個人生活和社區生活中跌倒是怎麼回事!但是我們也知道,天主邀請我們一起來彼此支援。我們要怎樣幫助別人站起來?個人的犧牲又能怎樣提升他人? |
3.Jesus Falls for the first time We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
in our global family falls can come in many forms crowds crippled harvests storms destroy homes viclence disrupts communiteies we know what it is to fall both in our personal lives and in community but we also know that God invites us to stand back up together. how then can we help others rise up how to our personal sacrifices lift others .
苦路第四處 耶穌遇見聖母瑪利亞
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。
聖母陪伴著耶穌,決心要陪祂走到終點。她知道耶穌的痛苦、悲傷,她把一切默存在心中。現在世界上有多少母親,正在為自己的孩子忍受痛苦。貧窮、受傷、寂寞。當我們瞻望聖母的榜樣時,讓我們與全球各地的母親一起祈禱;她們與孩子同行、接受挑戰、且滿懷喜樂。 |
4 Jesus encounters his mother We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
Mary walks with her son she is with him to the very end she knows his suffering his sorrow and she holds it all in her heart how many mothers around the world endure the suffering of their children the poverty the hurt the loneliness as we look to the example of our mother Mary let us join in prayer for mothers everywhere as they walk with their children and challenge and enjoy .
苦路第五處 西滿幫耶穌背十字架
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。
即使是耶穌也需要別人的幫助,祂不會因驕傲而不肯承認。人類是社會動物,被召叫要生活在一起,成為一個團體。透過與別人在一起,彼此幫忙,同時也接受他人幫助,這樣我們便能建立一個更美好的地球。讓我們永遠不要忘記,當我們為別人服務時,那些接受服務的人,往往最後也服務了我們。我們共同建立天主的國。 |
5.Simon Helps Jesus Carry the Cross We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
even Jesus needed help and he wasn’t too proud to accept it human beings are social beings . we are called to live in community by being together by helping one another and accepting help ourselves. We build a better planet . let us never forget that so often as we work to serve others those we go to serve end up serving us together we bring about the Reign of God.
苦路第六處 維洛尼加為耶穌擦臉
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。
維洛尼加的做法實在很簡單也不夠徹底。她只碰觸了窮困的粗糙表面。為的是什麼?耶穌的臉又是傷又是血,一塊小小的布能改變什麼?為什麼為一個死刑犯浪費時間?這是一串連引人思考的問題。永遠不要低估陪伴別人的價值,尤其是一個與我們一樣擁有尊嚴的人。 |
6.Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
What Veronica did was hardly things or simple. She touched poverty and it’s ross form and for what Jesus’s face was bruised and bloodied a little cloth wasn’t going to change that Why waste time on a man condemned to death This is a tempting line of thought but we must never underestimate the value of being present to another human being one who shares our common dignity
苦路第七處 耶穌第二次跌倒
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。
我們多少次看到別人跌倒而忘了自己也很容易被絆倒,並發現自己的臉倒栽在灰土中。在幫助窮人,與窮人合作時,記得自己的軟弱很重要。這能幫助我們記得,沒有我們、他們的分別,只有一個主內的人類大家庭。我們所有的人都會跌倒,但若團結在一起,我們就能站起來。 |
7.Jesus Falls a second time We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
how often do we see that someone has fallen forget that we too can just as easily trip find ourselves facedown in the dirt keeping our own vulnerability in mind is important when working for and with the poor of the world . it helps us to remember that there is no us and them just one human family of God. We all can fall and together we all can rise.
苦路第八處 耶穌安慰婦女
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。
在耶穌整個使命中,我們看到的就是祂深入的關懷每一個人。祂直搗人的內心, |
8.Jesus Consoles the women of Jerusalem We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
throughout Jesus mission we see him deeply involved with the concerns of individual people he goes right to the source t he people themselves to learn what they are thinking even at the end he has attended to the hurts and joys of this group of women he listens to them we too must remember to act this way in our own work always eager to listen deeply to the lives of our global family.
苦路第九處 耶穌第三次跌倒
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。
我們有時因跌倒一或多次,便以為天主現在一定受夠了。但天主從不輕言放棄寬恕我們,向我們彰顯祂的慈悲。我們身為天主的子女,有責任接受天主的寬恕,好能為建立正義、慈悲與和平的天主的國而努力! |
9.Jesus falls a third time We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
sometimes it may fell as though we fall in one too many times . God must be done with us by now we think. But God never tired of forgiving us showing us his mercy as sons and daughters of God it is our responsibility to accept that forgiveness and then to be about the business of justice mercy and peace the business of building the kingdom of God.
苦路第十處 耶穌被剝下衣裳
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。
天主召叫我們做受造物的好管家。可是我們看到的是種種不負責任的活動,掠奪了它的資源,它的美麗,它的完整。結果掠奪了最窮困的以及最弱勢的一群的食物、飲水和乾淨空氣的生活環境。天主在受造物當中,而基督在窮人中間。那麼,我們該如何回應? |
10.Jesus is Stripped of His Garments We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
God calls us to be good stewards of creation and yet we saw in act irresponsibly stripping it of its resources its beauty its health in so doing we had those who are poorest and most vulnerable we strip them of alive given environment of food and water of clean air God is present in creation Christ is present in the poor how then as we respond.
苦路第十一處 耶穌被釘十字架
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。
十字架以多種面貌呈現。財務負擔、家庭困境、飢餓、無家可歸、不安全。十字架是人生經驗的一部份,耶穌知道這個。就如祂不放棄被釘在十字架上的右盜,祂也不會放棄我們。如果我們有第二次、第三次,甚至一百次的機會,我們會如何對待別人?我們會把遠遠近近的人從十字架上解救下來嗎? |
11.Jesus is Nailed to the cross We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
cross has come in many forms financial burdens family hardships hunger homelessness insecurity crosses are part of the human experience and jesus knows this and just as he didn’t give up on the thief with Romy was crucified he doesn’t give up one us if we are given these second third and hundred chances how then should we act toward others do take our neighbors near and far down from their crosses.
苦路第十二處 耶穌死在十字架上
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。 目睹我們的世界被戰爭、飢餓、疾病和仇恨摧殘,我們的挫折感越來越重。但天主把死亡與失敗轉變為生命與勝利。這是復活的遠景、福音的喜訊。我們看到受苦,但也見到喜樂。天主慢慢工作,而我們承諾要行動。 |
12 Jesus Dies on the cross We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. we look at our world torn by war hunger disease and hate and we grow discouraged but God turns death and failure into life and victory this is the easter perspective the message of the gospel we see the suffering but we see the joy too slow work of God and we commit to act.
苦路第十三處 從十字架上卸下耶穌
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。
耶穌受傷的身體提醒我們祂具有完全的人性。祂就像我們一樣,有一個身體,需要食物和操練,也會被打傷、蹂躪。就是這樣,祂經驗了我們的世界;因為這是人類的一般經驗。這經驗提醒我們,人人都有尊嚴,這召叫我們要與人類大家庭憂戚與共。我們該怎樣回應? |
13 Jesus’ Body is taken down from the cross We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
Jesus broken body reminds us of his full humanity he had a body just as we do that needed sustenance and exercise that could be bruised and batter and through which he experienced the world around him this is a common experience of humanity reminding us of our shared dignity calling us to solidarity with our global human family how do we respond.
苦路第十四處 耶穌被埋在墳墓裡
領:耶穌基督,我們敬拜祢,讚美祢。 眾:祢以十字聖架,救贖普世。 身為基督徒,我們知道天主天天勝利,但這不一定能讓我們覺得每天的奮鬥會比較容易。我們當中有多少人願意再過三天現在的生活,一段黑暗像是永無止境的日子?我們當中有多少人很快地宣稱:把世界變成一個更好的地方-一個慈悲、正義、與和平的世界的努力,是徒勞無功的,沒有希望的。我們一定要永遠記住,我們的信仰向我們保證,基督戰勝了,黑暗消失!我們今天播下的種子,明天將收割! |
14 Jesus’ Body is placed in a tomb We Adore you, Christ, and we praise you Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
as Christians we know that God wins the day but that doesn’t always make it easier for us in our daily struggles how many of us are currently living in our own three days a dark period with seemingly no end in sight how many of us are quick to say that our efforts to make the world a better place to bring about mercy justice and peace are in vain and hopeless we must remember always that our faith assures us that Christ wins darkness ends the seeds we plant today will bear fruit tomorrow |